"Preparing Help File for First Use" Continues to Appear
ID: Q162656
The information in this article applies to:
Microsoft Access 97
Microsoft Access for Windows 95, version 7.0
Microsoft Excel 97 for Windows
Microsoft Excel for Windows 95, versions 7.0, 7.0a
Microsoft Office 97 for Windows
Microsoft Office for Windows 95, versions 7.0, 7.0a, 7.0b
Microsoft PowerPoint 97 For Windows
Microsoft PowerPoint for Windows 95, version 7.0
Microsoft Word 97 for Windows
Microsoft Word for Windows 95, version 7.0
Each time you run Help, you receive the following message
Preparing Help file for first use
and the Help Topics dialog box appears.
Microsoft Windows 95 displays this message when it builds the Help topics
(.gid) file that is based on the Help contents and index (.cnt) file. If
the topics file or the contents and index file is missing or damaged,
Windows 95 displays the message.
To work around this behavior, use the following steps:
- Use the list of files in the "More Information" section of this article
to help you find the topics and contents and index files for the
appropriate Help file. The files listed will be stored where ever the
Office programs are stored. This could be on a server or locally
depending on the type of install you chose during the setup program.
Rename the files by changing the file extension to .old.
For more information about how to perform this task in Windows, see your
Windows printed documentation or Windows Help.
- Run the Setup program. When you are prompted, click Reinstall and
continue running Setup. This replaces the files you renamed.
Program Main Help file(s) Index file Topics File
Microsoft Access 97
Acdef80.hlp Acdef80.cnt Acdef80.gid
Acmain80.hlp Acmain80.cnt Acmain80.gid
Acnew80.hlp Acnew80.cnt Acnew80.gid
Acspc80.hlp Acspc80.cnt Acspc80.gid
Acvba80.hlp Acvba80.cnt Acvba80.gid
Microsoft Access 7.0
Msaccdef.hlp Msaccdef.cnt Msaccdef.gid
Msaccess.hlp Msaccess.cnt Msaccess.gid
Msjtrclr.hlp Msjtrclr.cnt Msjtrclr.gid
Vba_acc.hlp Vba_acc.cnt Vba_acc.gid
Vbaaccsp.hlp Vbaaccsp.cnt Vbaaccsp.gid
Microsoft Excel 97
Xlmain8.hlp Xlmain8.cnt Xlmain8.gid
Vbaxl8.hlp Vbaxl8.cnt Vbaxl8.gid
Microsoft Excel 7.0
Mainxl.hlp Mainxl.cnt Mainxl.gid
Vba_xl.hlp Vba_xl.cnt Vba_xl.gid
Microsoft PowerPoint 97
Ppmain8.hlp Ppmain8.cnt Ppmain8.gid
Vbappt8.hlp Vbappt8.cnt Vbappt8.gid
Microsoft PowerPoint 7.0
Powerpnt.hlp Powerpnt.cnt Powerpnt.gid
Microsoft Word 97
Wdmain8.hlp Wdmain8.cnt Wdmain8.gid
Vbawrd8.hlp Vbawrd8.cnt Vbawrd8.gid
Microsoft Word 7.0
Winword.hlp Winword.cnt Winword.gid
Wrdbasic.hlp Wrdbasic.cnt Wrdbasic.gid
Additional query words:
7.00a 7.00b 8.00 97
Keywords : xlui offhelp xlhelp
Version : WINDOWS:7.0,7.0a,7.0b,97
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type :