OFF98: List of Files Updated by the Combined Updater for Office 98

ID: Q216394

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Office 98 Macintosh Edition


This article lists the files updated by the Combined Updater for Microsoft Office 98.


The following table lists the files updated by the Combined Updater for Office 98:

File Name Folder Location Version After Update
Microsoft Office 98 Microsoft Office 98:Office 8.0 (5730)
Microsoft Word Microsoft Office 98 8.0 (5730)
Microsoft PowerPoint Microsoft Office 98 8.0 (5812)
Microsoft Office First Run Microsoft Office 98:Office 1.0.1
Visual Basic for Applications Microsoft Office 98:Office 8.2
PP Translator 8-4 Microsoft Office 98:Office:Translators 8.0.4
Microsoft Component Library System Folder:Extensions 2.24
Microsoft OLE Library System Folder:Extensions 2.24
Microsoft Structured Storage System Folder:Extensions 2.24

Additional query words: OFF98 patch megapatch

Keywords :
Version : MACINTOSH:98
Platform : MACINTOSH
Issue type : kbinfo

Last Reviewed: December 17, 1999
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