OL2000: Animated Signatures Are Not Visible

ID: Q195844

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Outlook 2000


After creating a signature that includes certain forms of Dynamic HTML animation such as Fly From Bottom, or Drop In By Word, the signature does not show up in e-mail messages you send. This problem does not necessarily happen to animation formatted as a marquee or using an animated graphics file such as animated GIFs.


To include a Dynamic HTML-formatted animated signature in an HTML-formatted e-mail message create a stationary file that includes the DHTML code. Then send your e-mail in HTML format using the stationary that contains your animation.

Creating Animated Signatures Using FrontPage 2000

  1. Start FrontPage 2000.

  2. Type and format your signature.

  3. Select the text you want to animate and on the Format menu, click Dynamic HTML Effects. This will turn on the DHTML Effects toolbar.

  4. In the On box, click Page Load. This option will activate your DHTML animation when the person who receives it opens the message.

  5. In the Apply box, click to select the type of animation you want to use, such as Drop in by Word.

  6. On the File menu, click Save As and save your HTML file to C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Stationary\<filename.htm>.

Using Your Animated Signature

  1. Start Outlook.

  2. On the Actions menu, point to New Mail Message Using, and then click More Stationary.

  3. In the Stationary list, click to select the stationary file you just created. You should see the animation in the Preview box.

  4. Click OK. This will open a new e-mail message in the HTML format. You will not see your animated signature in this message.

  5. Type some text and send the message.

If the person who receives the message has an e-mail program that can interpret HTML formatted messages they will see your animated signature immediately upon opening the message. You can test this by sending a message to yourself.

Additional query words: missing gone

Keywords :
Version : WINDOWS:2000
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type : kbprb

Last Reviewed: May 14, 1999
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