OL2000: Eudora MAPI Setting Causes Looping Error Messages When Starting Outlook

ID: Q222323

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Outlook 2000


When using a computer with both Eudora Pro and Microsoft Outlook installed, you receive the following error message:

A recently installed program may cause Microsoft Office or other e-mail-enabled programs to function improperly. Outlook can resolve this conflict without affecting the program that originally caused the problem. Do you want Outlook to resolve this problem?
When you click Yes, you receive the following error message:
Outlook was unable to resolve the conflict between a recently installed program and Microsoft Office or other e-mail-enabled programs. Outlook needs to modify a system component that another program is currently using. To fix this problem, please restart Windows.
After receiving these two error messages and following the instructions, the messages reappear each time you start Outlook.


The Messaging Application Programming Interface (MAPI) server setting in Eudora is set to Always. This means that Eudora handles all Simple MAPI services, sending files as attachments in non e-mail enabled programs.


In Eudora, change the MAPI server setting to either When Eudora is Running or Never.

Changing the MAPI Settings in Eudora

To change the MAPI settings in Eudora, follow these steps:
  1. On the Tools menu in Eudora, click Options.

  2. In the Category list, click MAPI.

  3. Under Use Eudora MAPI server, click either When Eudora is Running or Never and then click OK.

  4. Quit Eudora and restart Outlook.


In its implementation of MAPI, Eudora uses two primary files:

  • Eumapi.dll - Provides Simple MAPI services to 16-bit programs

  • Eumapi32.dll - Provides simple MAPI services to 32-bit programs

When you start Eudora, it checks for the existence of the Mapi.dll and Mapi32.dll files, usually found in the Windows\System folder. If these files are present, it copies Eumapi.dll and Eumapi32.dll into the System folder as Mapi.dll and Mapi32.dll. It renames any existing versions of these files to Mapi.000 and Mapi32.000 respectively.

If the Eudora setting is Always, the files are not renamed to their original names. If the setting is When Eudora is Running, the files are renamed to their original names when you quit Eudora.


For additional information about Simple MAPI and Eudora, please see the following article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

Q218302 OL2000: Unable to Use Eudora Pro to Send Office Documents
For additional information about Fixmapi in Outlook, please see the following article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
Q199823 OL2000: Outlook Startup Error Indicates Problems with MAPI
The third-party products discussed here are manufactured by vendors independent of Microsoft; we make no warranty, implied or otherwise, regarding these products' performance or reliability.

Additional query words: OL2K

Keywords : kbdta
Version : WINDOWS:2000
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type : kbprb

Last Reviewed: June 15, 1999
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