OL98: Field Differences Between Outlook and Word Mail Merge

ID: Q181013

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Outlook 98
  • Microsoft Word 97 for Windows


When you use the Microsoft Outlook 98 Address Book as a data source for a mail merge in Microsoft Word 97, the Outlook 98 Contact records are converted into a file named ~~~_virtual_file_~~~.olk. Some Outlook fields are not available in this file and some field names are a bit different from what they are in Outlook. This article describes the Outlook fields available to Word Mail Merge and lists those that are not available.


A few fields in the "All Contact Fields" group in Outlook have different names in Word Mail Merge. Most have the same name in both Outlook and Word but 63 are not available in Word at all. No user-defined Outlook fields are available in Word.

NOTE: To access more Outlook Contact fields you can export the Contact folder via a comma, or tab-delimited file, and use that file as the Word Mail Merge data source, rather than the Outlook Address Book.

The following are the Word Merge Fields with their corresponding Outlook fields, as they appear in the Word "Insert Merge Field" list.

   Word Merge Field Name     Outlook Contact Field Name
   ---------------------     --------------------------

   Courtesy_Title            Title

   First_Name                First Name

   Last_Name                 Last Name

   Generation                Suffix

   Title                     Job Title

   Company                   Company

   Department                Department

   Postal_Address            Mailing Address (complete) -
                             Business, Home, or Other
                             depending upon which is
                             checked in the Contact Record

   Office_Location           Office Location

   Street_Address            Street Address (only)
                             Business, Home or Other
                             depending upon which is
                             checked in the Contact Record

   City                      City (only)
                             Business, Home or Other
                             depending upon which is
                             checked in the Contact Record

   State_or_Province         State (only)
                             Business, Home or Other
                             depending upon which is
                             checked in the Contact Record

   Postal_Code               Zip/Postal Code (only)
                             Business, Home or Other
                             depending upon which is
                             checked in the Contact Record

   Country                   Country (only)
                             Business, Home or Other
                             depending upon which is
                             checked in the Contact Record

   Business_Phone            Business Phone

   Business_Phone_2          Business Phone 2

   Business_Fax              Business Fax

   Assistant_Name            Assistant's Name

   Assistant_Phone           Assistant's Phone

   Spouse                    Spouse

   Home_Phone                Home Phone

   Home_Phone_2              Home Phone 2

   Home_Fax                  Home Fax

   Home_Street_Address       Home Address Street

   Home_City                 Home Address City

   Home_State_or_Province    Home Address State

   Home_Postal_Code          Home Address Postal Code

   Home_Country              Home Address Country

   Other_Phone               Other Phone

   Primary_Fax               Other Fax

   Other_Street_Address      Other Address Street

   Other_City                Other Address City

   Other_State_or_Province   Other Address State

   Other_Postal_Code         Other Address Postal Code

   Other_Country             Other Address Country

   Mobile_Phone              Mobile Phone

   Pager_Phone               Pager

   Email_Name                Subject

   Email_Type                Not from Contact Record

   Email_Address             E-mail
The following are the Outlook Contact fields NOT available in Word Mail Merge.

   Outlook Contact Field Name
   Biling Information
   Business Address
   Business Address City
   Business Address Country
   Business Address PO Box
   Business Address Street
   Business Home Page
   Car Phone
   Company Main Phone
   Computer Network Name
   Customer ID
   E-mail 2
   E-mail 3
   File As
   FTP Site
   Full Name
   Government ID Number
   Home Address
   Home Address PO Box
   In Folder
   Manager's Name
   Message Class
   Middle Name
   Organizational ID Number
   Other Address
   Other Address PO Box
   Outlook Internal Version
   Outlook Version
   Personal Home Page
   PO Box
   Primary Phone
   Radio Phone
   Referred By
   TTY/TDD Phone
   User Field 1
   User Field 2
   User Field 3
   User Field 4
   Web Page 


For more information on using Outlook contacts with Word Mail Merge, please see the following articles in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

Q141874 WD: Some Contact List Fields Not Available to Word

Q153668 WD: Mail Merge Main Document Cannot Find Data Source

Q159719 WD97: Error Merging with Outlook CSV, TSV File

Q155942 WD97: Unable to Attach Outlook Address Book for Mail Merge

Q160521 OL97: Categories Unavailable in Mail Merge to Word

Additional query words:

Keywords : kbinterop IntpOff
Version : WINDOWS:
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type : kbinfo

Last Reviewed: November 3, 1999
© 2000 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Terms of Use.