OL98: (IMO) Error Printing Fax to Symantec WinFax Starter Edition

ID: Q184855

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Outlook 98

NOTE: These procedures only apply if you have installed Outlook with the Internet Mail Only option. To determine your installation type, on the Help menu click About Microsoft Outlook. In About Microsoft Outlook you should see "Internet Mail Only" if you have the Internet Mail Only option installed.


When printing to the WinFax Starter Edition printer driver from Microsoft Outlook 98 or another program, a New Message dialog box will appear. This dialog box is from Microsoft Outlook Express, not Outlook.

If you fill in the TO: line with Contact information you receive the following error:

Your SMTP server has not responded in 60 seconds. Would you like to wait another 60 seconds for the server to respond? Account: Symantec WinFax Starter Edition Server:"
NOTE: If Outlook is not currently running, it will be started and will appear to do nothing. The Outlook Express dialog box is in the background, minimize Outlook to see the dialog box.


You are trying to print to the Symantec WinFax Starter Edition printer driver and have Outlook Express set as your default mail program.


Set Outlook as your default e-mail program by following these steps:

  1. On the Desktop, right-click Internet Explorer and on the shortcut menu, click Properties.

  2. On the Programs tab, in the Mail list, click to select Microsoft Outlook from the list.

Additional query words: 98

Keywords :
Version : WINDOWS:
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type : kbprb

Last Reviewed: July 29, 1999
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