OL98: Different Fax Services Installed with Outlook 98

ID: Q187645

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Outlook 98


Two different fax services are available with Microsoft Outlook 98, depending on whether you chose a Corporate/Workgroup (CW) installation or an Internet Mail Only (IMO) installation.

  • If you chose the CW installation of Outlook, the Microsoft Fax Update program is available as an add-in component.
  • If you chose the IMO installation of Outlook, the Symantec WinFax Starter Edition is available as an add-in component.


To Install the Fax Update with a CW Installation

This component is an update to the Microsoft Fax (At Work Fax) service from Windows 95. You must first install Microsoft Fax from your Windows 95 setup medium before installing the Outlook Fax Update component.

To install the Microsoft Fax service from Windows 95, follow these steps:

  1. Click the Start button, point to Settings, and then click Control Panel.

  2. In Control Panel, double-click Add/Remove Programs.

  3. On the Windows Setup tab, Click to select Microsoft Fax, and click OK.

To install the Microsoft Fax service from Windows 98, follow these steps:

  1. Insert the Windows 98 CD-ROM in the drive.

  2. Locate and click to select the following folder:
    <CD drive>:\tools\oldwin95\message\us\

  3. Double-click Awfax.exe, and follow the prompts in the installation wizard.

  4. Restart your computer after Setup is complete to finalize your system settings.

This adds a Microsoft Fax Printer to the Printers folder.

NOTE: If these files are installed over an existing installation of Outlook (Corporate or Workgroup), rerun Outlook setup from Add/Remove Programs in the Control Panel. This is needed to update the files used by Outlook that are needed in a newer configuration.

To install the Outlook Fax Update component, follow these steps:

  1. Click the Start button, point to Settings, and then click Control Panel.

  2. Double-click the Add/Remove Programs icon.

  3. On the Install/Uninstall tab, click to select Microsoft Outlook 98, and click Add/Remove.

  4. In Outlook 98 Active Setup, click Add New Components.

  5. Depending upon the source of your initial installation, click "Install from Web" or "Install from CD."

    NOTE: If you use the compact disc for installation, ensure Microsoft Internet Explorer is not in Offline mode. Work Offline is on the File menu. If it is checked, click Work Offline to deselect it.

  6. Click Yes, to allow Active Setup to determine the Outlook components installed on your computer.

  7. Under Mail Components, click to select the check box beside "Fax Update for Corporate or Workgroup E-mail Service" and click Next.

  8. Click to select a Download Site, then click Install Now.

  9. When the download is complete, quit all programs and restart your computer.

To Install the WinFax Service with an IMO Installation

  1. Click the Start button, point to Settings, and then click Control Panel.

  2. Double-click the Add/Remove Programs icon.

  3. On the Install/Uninstall tab, click to select Microsoft Outlook 98, and click Add/Remove.

  4. In Outlook 98 Active Setup, click Add New Components.

  5. Depending upon the source of your initial installation, click "Install from Web" or "Install from CD."

    NOTE: If you use the compact disc for installation, ensure Microsoft Internet Explorer is not in Offline mode. Work Offline is on the File menu. If it is checked, click Work Offline to deselect it.

  6. Click Yes, to allow Active Setup to determine the Outlook components installed on your computer.

  7. Under Mail Components, click to select the check box beside "Symantec WinFax Starter Edition" and click Next.

  8. Click to select a Download Site, then click Install Now.

  9. When the download is complete, quit all programs and restart your computer.


For more information on the Outlook Fax services, please see the following articles in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

Article-ID: Q152196
Title : How to Install and Use Microsoft Fax Article-ID: Q183762
Title : OL98: (IMO) Microsoft Fax Replaced with WinFax Starter Edition

Article-ID: Q183524
Title : OL98: Switching from One Installation Type to Another

Additional query words: 98

Keywords : kbdta GnlAddin StpMaint StpGnrl StpHowto
Version : WINDOWS:
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type : kbinfo

Last Reviewed: July 26, 1999
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