OL98: (IMO) Wrong Fax Number Is Dialed

ID: Q188786

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Outlook 98

NOTE: These procedures only apply if you have installed Outlook with the Internet Mail Only option. To determine your installation type, on the Help menu click About Microsoft Outlook. In About Microsoft Outlook you should see "Internet Mail Only" if you have the Internet Mail Only option installed.


When you send a fax to a contact, the wrong fax number is dialed.


This can happen when two contacts share the same e-mail address but have different fax numbers. WinFax Starter Edition requires that each contact have a unique e-mail address.


Give one of the contacts a new primary e-mail address. This can be a fake one, but it must be unique.

The best resolution is to obtain an individual e-mail account.


When sending a fax with WinFax, the "To" field is populated with an SMTP address. The fax is then sent to the WinFax POP/SMTP server. The WinFax server looks up the e-mail address (SMTP address). Using this address the server resolves the display name and selects the fax number based on the first name as sorted alphabetically.

For example, Allen and Bob share an e-mail account and have individual fax numbers. If Charles sends a fax to Bob it will actually be sent to Allen because the server will select the fax number based on sorting Allen before Bob.

Additional query words: 98

Keywords : cfgWSE
Version : WINDOWS:
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type : kbprb

Last Reviewed: August 3, 1999
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