OL98: (CW) Mailbox Name Changes in Outlook Today

ID: Q189339

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Outlook 98

NOTE: These procedures only apply if you have installed Outlook with the Corporate Workgroup/Other option. This option allows you to use Messaging Application Programming Interface (MAPI) services. To determine your installation type, on the Help Menu click About Microsoft Outlook. In About Microsoft Outlook you should see "Corporate" if you have the Corporate Workgroup installation.


You are using Microsoft Outlook in a Microsoft Exchange Server environment. You attach to another user's Mailbox to act as a delegate and notice that the Outlook Today entry at the top of the Folder List now shows that user's name rather than yours, although the contents of the Mailbox may be yours.


You added the user by right-clicking the Outlook Today entry in the Folder List.


To restore your name to the Outlook Today entry in the Folder List, create a new profile.

For more information on creating profiles, please see the following article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

Q162203 OL97: User Profiles and Information Services
The anomaly described in the "Symptoms" section arises when the Mailbox is added using the Outlook Today object in the Folder List. There are two alternate methods for adding a Mailbox without losing the Outlook Today designation for your Mailbox.

Method 1

  1. On the Tools menu, click Services. Select Microsoft Exchange Server and then click Properties.

  2. Click the Advanced tab and under Mailboxes click Add. Type the user name you want to add. Click OK and OK again.

Method 2

  1. Quit Outlook. Click Start, point to Settings and click Control Panel.

  2. Double-click the Mail or Mail And Fax icon. On the Services tab, click Microsoft Exchange Server and click Properties.

  3. On the Advanced tab, click Add. Type the user name whose Mailbox you want to add. Click OK and OK.

  4. Start Outlook to view the added mailbox in the Folder List.

Additional query words: 98

Keywords : CfgProfl CfgMSXchg
Version : WINDOWS:
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type : kbprb

Last Reviewed: August 3, 1999
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