OL98: HTML Message Does Not Print Attachment Icon

ID: Q234758

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Outlook 98


If you print an HTML-formatted e-mail message that contains an attachment, the attachment icon does not print if the message is open, but does print if the message is closed.


If you print from the table view, Outlook uses different print routines when the HTML-formatted message is open than when it is closed.

This printing behavior is changed in Outlook 2000, the attachment icon never prints in an HTML-formatted e-mail message.


When printing an e-mail message from Outlook 98, if you print messages with attachments sent in Rich Text or Plain Text format, the icon for the attachment prints as part of the body of the message. This happens when you print the open message, or if you click to select the message and then print the closed message from the table view. HTML-formatted messages do not print the icon when the message is open.

Additional query words: OL98

Keywords :
Version : WINDOWS:
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type : kbprb

Last Reviewed: August 9, 1999
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