OL97: Lotus Organizer Conversion Issues

ID: Q164520

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Outlook 97


This article describes how to convert files from Lotus Organizer to Microsoft Outlook and some of the problems you may encounter.


To import an Organizer file into Outlook, you must have the Organizer program installed on your computer. You must also install the Lotus Organizer Converters that come with Outlook. These converters are not installed when you choose Typical Installation during setup.

To install the Organizer Converter Files, follow these steps:

  1. Click Start, point to Settings and click Control Panel.

  2. Double-click the Add/Remove Programs icon.

  3. Click Microsoft Office 97 or Microsoft Outlook 97 and click Add/Remove.

  4. In the Setup dialog box, click Add/Remove.

  5. Click Microsoft Outlook and click Change Options.

  6. Click to select the check box next to Lotus Organizer Converters, click OK, and then Continue.

Two different Outlook Converters are supplied for different versions of Organizer, one for versions 1.0 and 1.1 and one for version 2.1. It is important that you choose the proper converter for the version of the file being converted.

NOTE: Neither of these supplied converters supports Lotus Organizer 2.0 files. Organizer 2.0 files can be exported as comma-delimited text files and imported into Outlook. Organizer 97 (3.0) files can be saved in version 2.1 format, and then imported into Outlook. In addition, a product named IntelliSync for Windows CE can be used for direct-connect synchronization between a Windows CE based handheld PC using Organizer 97, and another PC using Outlook.

When using Lotus Organizer 4.0 or higher, it is necessary to Export the data from Lotus Organizer to a Comma Separated Values file (.CSV). You may then Import the Comma Separated Values file (.CSV) into Outlook using the "Import from another Program or File" function of the Import/Export feature.

Please note that it will be necessary to correctly map the data fields in the Comma Separated Values file (.CSV) to the proper Outlook Contact fields using the Field Mapper.

Steps to Import an Organizer File

Steps to Import an Organizer File

To import an Organizer file, follow these steps:
  1. On the File menu, click Import And Export.

  2. Click "Import from Schedule+ or another program or file," and click Next.

  3. Click Lotus Organizer 1.0, 1.1, or Lotus Organizer 2.1; then click Next.

  4. Type the import file name in the File To Import box, and click Next.

  5. Click Import "<filename>" into "<foldername>" and click Map Custom Fields (where <name> is the file or folder name you want to use).

  6. Map "<Organizer fieldname>" to "<Outlook fieldname>" and click OK.

Manually Map Organizer Fields to Outlook Fields

Most fields will automatically map from Organizer fields to the proper Outlook fields. However, it is very important that you verify the mapping to assure each Organizer field is mapped to the appropriate Outlook field.

For those Organizer entries containing more than one category, only the first category in the list will be imported to Outlook.

Calls Not Imported

Organizer Call entries are not imported to Outlook.

Notes Not Imported

Organizer note entries are not imported to Outlook.

Planner Entries

Organizer Planner entries are imported as Appointments in the Outlook Calendar. Those spanning multiple days are imported as recurring appointments.

Repeated Events

Organizer Repeated Events are imported as a series of individual events in Outlook.


For additional information about Organizer conversion issues, see the Microsoft Office 97 Resource Kit, available for viewing on the Microsoft Web site at:

For more information about Lotus Organizer issues, please see the following article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
Q165498 OL97: Error During Conversion of Lotus Organizer Files
Organizer is manufactured by Lotus, a vendor independent of Microsoft; we make no warranty, implied or otherwise, regarding this product's performance or reliability.

IntelliSync is manufactured by Puma Technology, Inc., a vendor independent of Microsoft; we make no warranty, implied or otherwise, regarding this product's performance or reliability.

Additional query words:

Keywords : kb3rdparty kbconversion IntpImEx
Version : WINDOWS:97
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type : kbhowto

Last Reviewed: January 25, 2000
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