OL97: Setup in Batch/Quiet Mode for Outlook

ID: Q165374

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Outlook 97


For more information on using batch mode setup, see the Office 97 Resource Kit (ORK). The ORK is viewable on the Microsoft Web site at:

NOTE: Because the Microsoft Web site is constantly updated, the site address may change without notice. If this occurs, link to the Microsoft home page at the following address:
For more information on using the /q setup switch, please see the following article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
Q158503 OFF97: Setup Switches for Microsoft Office 97


When running setup in batch (quiet) mode, for Outlook 97, standalone version, you may get the following error message:

Setup does not support being run in this mode


Outlook 97, standalone version, is not delivered with a batch or quiet mode Setup option.


You can add this capability by modifying the default Outlook.stf file.

To modify the Outlook.stf file for quiet mode operation, do the following:

  1. Backup the Outlook.stf file.

  2. Open the Outlook.stf file in WordPad.

  3. On the Edit menu, click Find.

  4. In the Find What box, type Batch Mode Root Object ID, and click Find Next.

    NOTE: If no match is found above, search for Network Mode Root Object ID. After the find, press the END key followed by ENTER to create a new line. Type Batch Mode Root Object ID, on this new line.

  5. Place your cursor after the "D" in "ID" and press the TAB key.

  6. Type 12 : 1.

  7. Close and Save the Outlook.stf file as a text file.

You should now be able to run the standalone Outlook Setup in quiet mode using the /q switch.

Additional query words:

Keywords : kbsetup StpNet
Version : WINDOWS:97
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type : kbhowto

Last Reviewed: October 1, 1999
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