OL97: How to Make a Shortcut to a File in an Appointment

ID: Q165607

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Outlook 97


In most cases, using the right mouse button to drag a file from the Windows Explorer into another open program window will give you a menu option to create a shortcut at the target location. This is not true of dragging a file into an open Outlook 97 appointment.

This article describes three methods to overcome this problem.

  • Drag the file onto an Outlook Calendar page.

  • Use the Insert command to insert a shortcut.

  • Drag a shortcut into the open appointment note window.


Method 1

  1. Right-click the file and drag the file from Windows Explorer onto an Outlook Calendar page.

  2. From the context menu click, "Copy Here as Appointment with Shortcut". A new appointment item will be opened containing a shortcut to the file in its note window.

  3. Enter the rest of the appointment information as needed.

Method 2

  1. Open an existing appointment in Outlook.

  2. On the Insert menu, click File.

  3. Select the file you want, then in the Insert As box, click Shortcut and OK.

Method 3

  1. Open an existing appointment in Outlook and do not minimize it.

  2. Open the Windows Explorer and navigate to the file you want to use.

  3. Right-click the file and click Create Shortcut. This will create a shortcut in the same folder as the file.

  4. Drag the shortcut from the folder into the open appointment note window. If the appointment is hidden behind the Explorer window, drag the file and hover over the appointment button on the Windows Taskbar until the appointment comes to the foreground.

Additional query words:

Keywords : GnlCal
Version : WINDOWS:97
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type : kbhowto

Last Reviewed: January 14, 2000
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