OL97 ErrMsg: Missing Mapi32.dll:239 when Starting Outlook

ID: Q166757

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Outlook 97


When you start Microsoft Outlook 97, you may get the following error message:

Outllib.dll is linked to a missing export Mapi32.dll:239


Outlook Setup did not properly update the Mapi32.dll file, or an incorrect version of the Mapi32.dll file is located in a directory other than your default Windows\System directory.


Search for and rename extra Mapi32.dll files, as follows:

  1. Quit all running applications.

  2. Click Start on the Windows Taskbar.

  3. Point to Find and click Files or Folders to search for MAPI32.DLL files.

  4. Rename any Mapi32.dll files not located in the default Windows\System directory.
    1. Right-click the file name.

    2. Click Rename on the shortcut menu.

  5. Close the Find dialog and restart Outlook.

If the problem persists, copy a new Mapi32.dll file from your Outlook setup medium to your default Windows\System directory, as follows:
  1. Quit all running programs.

  2. Click Start on the Windows Taskbar, point to Find and click Files or Folders to search for MAPI32.DLL and rename it.

  3. Change "Look in" on the Find dialog box to point to your Outlook setup medium and search for the Mapi32.dll file.

  4. Copy the Mapi32.dll file to one of the following directories on your computer:
    \Windows\System (if you are running Windows 95)
    \Winnt\System32 (if you are running Windows NT)

  5. Right-click the Mapi32.dll file on your computer and click Properties.

  6. Under Attributes, Click to select Archive.

Additional query words:

Keywords : kberrmsg
Version : WINDOWS:97
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type :

Last Reviewed: December 28, 1999
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