OL97: Reply to Internet Mail Does Not Preserve Original Format

ID: Q167144

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Outlook 97


When you reply to an e-mail message received from the Internet that has rich text formatting (RTF) applied, the reply message sent using the Internet Mail service in Microsoft Outlook 97 does not contain rich text formatting.


To preserve the original format in the reply of an Internet mail message, install the Internet Mail Enhancement Patch for Microsoft Outlook 97 (IMEP). The IMEP is available on the Microsoft Internet site at:

NOTE: Because the Microsoft Web site is constantly updated, the site address may change without notice. If this occurs, link to the Microsoft home page at the following address:


If you send Outlook-specific items to other Outlook users via the Internet, such as a meeting request, or a message that includes voting options, these must be sent in rich text format to work properly.


For more information about applying rich text formatting, type "use rich text format" in the Office Assistant, click Search, and then click to view "Set messages sent to a recipient to use Rich Text Format."


Microsoft has confirmed this to be a problem in Microsoft Outlook 97. The Problem is corrected in the Internet Mail Enhancement Pack for Microsoft Outlook 97 (IMEP).

Additional query words:

Keywords : GnrlIMEP
Version : WINDOWS:97
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type :

Last Reviewed: September 27, 1999
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