OL97: Problems Sending Fax With Personal Fax for Windows NT

ID: Q167257

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Outlook 97
  • Microsoft Windows NT Server version 4.0
  • Microsoft Windows NT Workstation version 4.0


When sending a fax with Personal Fax for Windows NT, beta 2, via Microsoft Outlook97, version 8.0, using the following services in the Outlook profile:

  • Fax Address Book

  • Fax Transport Provider

  • Personal Address Book

  • Personal Folders

and your profile is set up with personal folders as the default message store, without the Exchange server service, you may see the following problems:
  • You cannot completely quit Outlook. The process continues even after you click "Exit and Logoff" on the File menu. (problem A)

  • The first fax will send successfully, but subsequent faxes will stay in the Outbox. (problem B)


The Messaging Application Programming Interface (MAPI) subsystem expects a Windows program to send notification to a service, but it doesn't expect a service (faxsvc.exe) to send notification to Outlook.


Microsoft has confirmed this to be a problem in Microsoft Outlook 8.0. This problem was corrected in Microsoft Outlook version 8.01.


Steps to Reproduce Problem A

  1. Install Outlook version 8.0.

  2. Add a profile with the following services: Fax Address Book, Fax Transport Provider, Personal Address Book, and Personal Folders.

  3. Start Outlook using that profile.

  4. Send a fax to a fax address.

  5. Try to quit Outlook.

Result: Outlook never successfully quits. (you must look at the Process list in Task Manager to see this).

Steps to Reproduce Problem #B

  1. Install Outlook version 8.0.

  2. Add a profile with the following services: Fax Address Book, Fax Transport Provider, Personal Address Book, and Personal Folders.

  3. Start Outlook using that profile.

  4. Send a fax to a fax address.

  5. This first fax will be sent successfully.

  6. Attempt to send another fax.

Result: The second and all following faxes will be stuck in the Outbox.

Keywords : kbinterop
Version : WINDOWS:4.0,97
Platform : NT WINDOWS
Issue type : kbbug

Last Reviewed: October 8, 1999
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