OL97: Non-delivery Message with Scheduled Fax and Fax Wizard

ID: Q167398

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Outlook 97


Sending a scheduled fax may result in the Non-Deliverable Report (NDR) message:

The fax was not sent because you or the administrator cancelled it.
This will occur under the following conditions:
  • You are using Microsoft Outlook 97 as your e-mail client

  • Your default delivery Inbox is in a Personal folder (PST)

  • You are using the Fax Wizard or the Microsoft Fax driver in Microsoft Word 97.


Steps to Reproduce Behavior

  1. Run the Compose New Fax Wizard.
    1. On the Outlook Compose menu, click New Fax.


    2. On the File menu in Word, click Print and choose Microsoft Fax from the Printer list.

  2. Follow the wizard's instructions to the Cover page options step and click Options.

  3. On the Fax tab, click Specific time and Set.

  4. Set a future time to send the fax message and click OK.

  5. Complete the Fax Wizard instructions.

RESULT: No fax is sent and you receive the NDR message described in the Symptoms section of this article.


This is a problem in the Windows Messaging System and is not fixed in any release of Outlook.


Use the Microsoft Exchange Server Mailbox as the default delivery location or do not schedule the fax.

Additional query words:

Keywords : kberrmsg kbinterop cfgMSFax
Version : WINDOWS:97
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type :

Last Reviewed: September 24, 1999
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