OL97: Error Importing Schedule+ 1.0 (.cal) Files to Outlook

ID: Q167425

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Outlook 97


When you import a Microsoft Schedule Plus 1.0 (CAL) file into Microsoft Outlook 97, the import process may hang or stop responding.


Either your CAL file or the Schedule+ 1.0 converter may be corrupted.


Open the CAL file with Schedule+ 7.5 (installed with the Schedule+ support programs) and convert it to a SCD file. Then import the SCD file into Outlook, using the Schedule+ 7.0 converter.


Open the CAL File With Schedule+ 7.5

  1. Quit Outlook and double-click your CAL file.

  2. In Open With, click Other.

  3. Click on your Schdpl32.exe file, usually found in
    Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office\
    and click Open.

  4. In Schedule+, click, "I want to use an existing schedule file," and click OK.

  5. Navigate to and click your CAL file then click Open.

  6. Click Yes when asked, "Do you want to update now?"

  7. Quit Schedule+ 7.5.

This saves the CAL file with the same name and a .SCD extension. Start Outlook and import the SCD file using the Schedule+ 7.0 converter.


For related information, please see the following articles in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

Q164271 OL97: Converting Schedule+ Files to Outlook 97
Q165873 OL97: Sam Translator Error Importing Schedule Plus File
Q162990 OL97: Troubleshooting Schedule Plus Import Problems

Additional query words:

Keywords : kbinterop IntpImEx
Version : WINDOWS:97
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type : kbhowto

Last Reviewed: September 27, 1999
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