OL97: Appointment Day Does Not Display Bold on Calendar

ID: Q168065

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Outlook 97


An appointment made in Microsoft Outlook 97 may not show the day in bold formatting on the Calendar in the Day/Week/Month view.


The value of the "Show time as" field in the appointment record is "Free."


To produce bold formatting of the day of an appointment on the calendar, set the appointment's "Show time as" value to "Tentative," "Busy," or "Out of Office."


To Reproduce the Problem

  1. On the Calendar menu, click New Appointment.

  2. In the Appointment record, click to select "All day event."

RESULT: The "Show time as:" value is set to Free by default. This causes the day of the appointment in the calendar to not display as bold.


In the Day/Week/Month view, double-click the Date Header over the appointment time list.

RESULT: A new appointment record opens with "All Day Event" selected and "Show time as" set to Free. This causes the day of the appointment in the calendar to not display as bold.

To Produce Bold Formatting of the Appointment Day in the Calendar

In the open appointment, click "Tentative," "Busy," or "Out of Office" in the "Show time as:" drop-down list.

NOTE: Dates beyond 10 months in the future are not displayed as bold. Outlook stores 12 months of free/busy data: the current month, one month previous, and 10 months in the future. This data is used for bolding days in the date navigator.


For more information on the "All day event" setting, please see the following article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

Q166011 OL97: Appointment Form Opens With "All day event" Selected

Additional query words:

Keywords : GnlCal
Version : WINDOWS:97
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type : kbprb

Last Reviewed: September 27, 1999
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