OL97: Recipient Cannot See Changes to Customized Message Form

ID: Q168808

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Outlook 97


Customization made to a message form in Microsoft Outlook 97, may not be viewable by the recipient.


Outlook forms may consist of two pages, a "Compose" page and a "Read" page. Changes made to the Compose page (available by default when opening the form for customization) are viewable only when the sender opens the form to compose the message. Changes to the Compose page are not viewable by the recipient who opens the message to read it.


Make recipient viewable changes on the Read page of the form.


The first page of the form has a separate Compose and Read page by default. Other pages of the form do not. If you wish to have a separate Compose and Read page for pages other than the first, you must click on the page tab then click "Separate Read Layout" on the Form menu.

NOTE: If you want to add a field to the first page of the form to which you will enter data viewable by the recipient, insert the field on both the Compose first page and the Read first page.

How to Change the Read Page of a Form

  1. On the File menu, point to New, and click Mail Message.

  2. On the Tools menu of the new message, click Design Outlook Form.

  3. On the Forms Design toolbar, click Edit Read Page.

RESULTS: The Read Page is now available for editing. Any changes made on this page are viewable by the recipient.


For more information about creating solutions with Microsoft Outlook 97, please see the following articles in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

Q166368 OL97: How to Get Help Programming with Outlook
Q170783 OL97: Q&A: Questions about Customizing or Programming Outlook

Additional query words: OutSol OutSol97

Keywords : kbprg FmsProp
Version : 97
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type :

Last Reviewed: September 10, 1999
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