OL97: View Filter Fields Are Limited to 255 Characters

ID: Q170654

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Outlook 97


To filter the view of Inbox messages, Calendar entries, and Contacts, click Filter on the View menu.

NOTE: There is a 255-character limit in the following three boxes in the Filter dialog box:

  • "Search for the word(s)" (on the Messages tab)

  • Categories (on the More Choices tab)

  • Value (on the Advanced tab)


On the Tools menu, click Find Items. The three tabs of the Find dialog box each contain a text box into which you can type search criteria.

Messages Tab

On the Messages tab, type any words in the "Search for the word(s)" box. To specify the field to search in, click to select your choice from the In list.

More Choices Tab

On the More Choices tab, type any categories in the Categories box that you want to find in the selected records.

Advanced Tab

On the Advanced tab, choose a Field and a Condition, and then type the value in the Value box that you want to compare the selected field to.

Additional query words:

Keywords : kbui GnlFold
Version : :
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type : kbinfo

Last Reviewed: January 14, 2000
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