OL97: How to Clear the Outlook Forms Cache

ID: Q171372

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Outlook 97


This article describes how to clear the Microsoft Outlook 97 Forms Cache.


Clearing the Forms Cache is useful in the following situations:

  1. You receive a "Cannot create the item" error message opening an item.

  2. Your forms suddenly do not behave properly.

  3. You receive a message about a problem with your Frmcache.dat file.

  4. You receive a "the object could not be found" error message opening an item, or clicking on a mailto: link.

  5. When attempting to open an item, you receive the error, "Can't open this item. Could not open the item. Try again."

  6. You receive a "Can't move the items. The item could not be moved. It was either already moved or deleted, or access was denied" error message.

  7. When the Preview Pane displays, "This item contains active content and cannot be displayed."

Clearing the Forms Cache is a two step process.
  1. Delete all folders and files under the \Windows\Forms folder, except the Configs folder and its contents. WARNING: Under no circumstances should you delete the \Windows\Forms\Configs folder.

  2. Install and run the SwitchForms Utility to reregister the Outlook forms.

Deleting the Forms Cache Files

Follow these steps to remove all Forms Cache files from your computer:
  1. On the Windows taskbar, click Start, point to Programs, and then click Windows Explorer.

  2. In Windows Explorer move to the \Windows\Forms folder on your hard drive.

  3. Under the Forms folder, one at a time, click to select each sub-folder, except the Configs folder and press the DELETE key. When prompted Are you sure you want to remove the folder"<folder name>" and all its contents to the Recycle Bin? click Yes. Repeat this for each folder, except the Configs folder.

  4. Under the Forms folder, click to select the Frmcache.dat file and press the DELETE key to delete this file. Repeat this process for any other files in the Forms folder.

Installing and Running the SwitchForms Utility

For more information about installing and running the SwitchForms Utility, please see the following article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

Q143476 OL97: SwitchForms Utility for Outlook and Exchange
Run the SwitchForms Utility using the procedures in Q143476. In the "Install forms for" box, click to select "Microsoft Outlook" to register the Outlook forms.

Additional query words: Can't create

Keywords : FmsProp
Version : WINDOWS:97
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type : kbhowto

Last Reviewed: December 13, 1999
© 2000 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Terms of Use.