OL97: Recurring Appointments Are Not Archived

ID: Q172040

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Outlook 97


When archiving appointments in Microsoft Outlook 97, old occurrences of recurring appointments are not archived and deleted.


This behavior is by design. Outlook needs the old occurrences of a recurring item in a Calendar folder to keep track of future occurrences.


When you archive items in a Calendar folder, old recurring items are not archived if any occurrences are scheduled after the archive date.

Steps to Reproduce Problem

  1. Set up a new Calendar folder named TEST.
    1. On the Folder list, click to select the Calendar folder.

    2. On the File menu, point to New and click Folder.

    3. Type TEST in the Name window, select Appointments in the Folder contains window, then click OK.

  2. Set up an appointment in the new TEST folder to recur daily for the next two weeks.
    1. On the Folder list, click to select the new TEST folder.

    2. On the Calendar menu, click New Recurring Appointment.

    3. In the Recurrence pattern area of the Appointment Recurrence box, click to select Daily, Every, and then enter 1 in day(s).

    4. In the Range of recurrence area, click to select End after, type 14 in occurrences, then click OK.

    5. In the Untitled-Appointment box type TEST APPOINTMENT in the Subject window and click Save and Close.

  3. Set the System Date one week ahead.
    1. Double-click the time display on the Windows Taskbar.

    2. On the Date and Time tab, click to select a date one week in the future then click OK.

  4. Archive the TEST folder.
    1. On the Folder list, click to select the TEST folder.

    2. On the File menu, click Archive.

    3. In the "Archive items older than," list, click to select a date one week in the future, then click OK.

RESULTS: Those instances of the recurring appointment that are prior to the archive date above, are not archived and removed.

Additional query words:

Keywords : kbtool
Version : WINDOWS:97
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type :

Last Reviewed: September 10, 1999
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