OL97: Configuring AT&T Worldnet in Outlook IMEP

ID: Q172852

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Outlook 97


This article describes how to configure the AT&T Worldnet Internet Service Provider (ISP) for use with the Internet Mail Enhancement Patch for Microsoft Outlook 97 (IMEP).


To configure the AT&T Worldnet ISP, a series of tasks must be completed.

  • Setup the Worldnet E-mail service

  • Complete the General tab

  • Complete the Servers type

  • Complete the Connection tab

  • Define the Server type

  • Complete the "Connect To..." information

Setup the Worldnet E-mail service

  1. On the Outlook Tools menu, click Services.

  2. On the Services tab, click Add.

  3. Click Internet E-mail and click OK.

Complete the General tab

  1. Type a name to identify this service.

  2. Type a Name to identify this user.

  3. Type the user's E-mail address. This is the user's alias followed by @worldnet.att.net.
    Example: johndoe@worldnet.att.net

Complete the Servers tab

  1. In the Outgoing Mail window, type mailhost.worldnet.att.net, in lowercase.

  2. In the Incoming Mail window, type postoffice.worldnet.att.net, in lowercase.

  3. Click to select Logon using.

  4. In the Account Name window, type the portion of the e-mail name (chosen by the user) preceding the @ sign.

    Example: if the e-mail name is, johndoe@worldnet.att.net, use johndoe

  5. In the Password window, type the password chosen by the user. The password is case sensitive.

Complete the Connection tab

  1. Click to select, "I use a modem to access my e-mail."

  2. Click Add.

  3. Type a name to identify this connection, such as, WORLDNET.

  4. Select your modem from the list and click OK.

  5. Type in the Area code and Telephone number of your Worldnet connection, and then click Next and Finish.

Define the Server type

  1. Click Properties and Server Type.

  2. In the Type of Dial-Up Server window, select "PPP:Windows 95, Windows NT 3.5, Internet."

  3. Click TCP/IP Settings.

  4. Click to select Server assigned IP address.

  5. Click to select "Specify Name server addresses" and enter the Primary Domain Name Service (DNS) and Secondary DNS. Worldnet supplies these addresses.

  6. Click to select "Use IP header compression" and "Use default gateway on remote network."

  7. Click OK and OK and OK.

  8. Restart Outlook.

Complete the "Connect To..." information

  1. On the Tools menu click, "Check for new mail."

  2. Enter the network access ID supplied by Worldnet, this will be a nine digit number followed by @worldnet.att.net.
    Example: 123456789@worldnet.att.net

  3. Enter the Network access password assigned by Worldnet. This is usually in the form of two words separated by a hyphen.

  4. Click to select, Save Password.

NOTE: It is important to remember that the Account/E-mail Name and password, referred to in step 3 above, are chosen by the user, but the Network Access ID and password, referenced in step 7, are assigned by Worldnet.


For more information on setting up the Worldnet ISP, please see the following articles in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

Q162493 OL97: Connection Error Using AT&T Internet Mail with Outlook
Q161973 OL97: Troubleshooting Outlook Configuration Problems

Additional query words:

Keywords :
Version : WINDOWS:97, 98
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type : kbhowto

Last Reviewed: September 27, 1999
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