OL97: Forwarded Message Behaves Differently with Rules Wizard

ID: Q173462

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Outlook 97


When you set up a Rules Wizard rule to forward certain messages automatically, the messages may not retain the original "From" information as they did using the Inbox Assistant. Instead, the forwarded message behaves as if you manually forwarded it. The original message "From," "Sent," "To," and "Subject" fields are included in the body of the forwarded message. The original addressee information is included in the "From" field.


The Inbox Assistant provided with the following versions of Outlook is optimized to take advantage of Microsoft Exchange Server capabilities:

  • Microsoft Outlook 97, version 8.01, that ships with Exchange Server 5.0 Service Pack 1 (SP-1)

  • Microsoft Outlook 97, version 8.02, that ships with Microsoft Office 97 Service Release 1 Enterprise Update (SR-1 Ep Ud)

The Inbox Assistants provided with other versions of Outlook do not include these enhancements.

One such enhancement is a forwarding method called, "Leave message intact." With this forwarding rule applied, the forwarded message retains the original sender's information in the "From" field. The "To" field contains the forwarded recipient's information. There is no indication in the body that you forwarded the message.

The Rules Wizard does not support this method. The Inbox Assistants provided by Outlook, version 8.0, and Outlook, version 8.02 from the Microsoft Office 97 Service Release 1 Patch do not support this method.


To use the "Leave message intact" forwarding method, you must use the Inbox Assistant from Outlook 8.01, 8.02 SP-1, or 8.02 SR-1 Ep Ud. Additionally, you must have the Exchange Extensions included in your add-ins. If you have met these requirements but are using the Rules Wizard, remove the Rules Wizard from your add-ins and restart Outlook. This will return Outlook to the Inbox Assistant.

Follow these steps to see the setting, "Leave message intact" in the Inbox Assistant of Outlook 8.01 or 8.02 SP-1:

  1. On the Tools menu, click Inbox Assistant.

  2. Click Add Rule to open the Edit Rule box.

  3. Click to select, Forward. In the Method box you have three choices:
    • "Standard" Forwards messages as if you had done it manually.

    • "Leave message intact" Forwards messages as if they were originals.

    • "Insert message as an attachment" Forwards messages as attachments in a new message.

If you do not see a Method box, you do not have the correct version of Outlook.


For more information on Inbox Assistant features optimized for Exchange Server, please see the following article(s) in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

Q163743 OL97: Information About Outlook Version 8.01

Additional query words:

Keywords : kbdta GnlAddin MsgInbxA
Version : WINDOWS:97
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type : kbprb

Last Reviewed: October 8, 1999
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