OL97: Automatically Record Journal Entries Unavailable

ID: Q173488

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Outlook 97


When you create a new contact or edit an existing contact in Microsoft Outlook 97, the "Automatically record journal entries for contact" check box on the Journal tab of the contact form is unavailable.


This check box is only available for contacts that reside in the primary Contacts folder of your Microsoft Exchange Mailbox folder or your Personal Folders. Additionally, for this feature to work the contact must reside in the primary Contacts folder of your e-mail delivery location.

For example, if your e-mail delivery location is your Personal Folders Inbox, the contact must reside in your primary Personal Folders Contact folder. If your e-mail delivery location is your Microsoft Exchange Mailbox Inbox, the contact must reside in your primary Mailbox Contacts folder.


On the Standard Toolbar, click the Folder List button to turn on your folder list. Drag the contact to the primary Contact folder of your e-mail delivery location. Then, when you open the contact and click the Journal tab, the "Make this folder a subfolder of list" check box will be available.


Steps to Reproduce Problem

The following steps demonstrate this problem.
  1. Start Outlook.

  2. On the Standard Toolbar, click the Folder List button to turn on your folder list.

  3. Using your right mouse-button, right-click your Personal Folders and on the shortcut menu, click Create Subfolder.

  4. In the Name box, type MyContacts. In the Folder Contains list, click to select Contact Items. In the "Make this folder a subfolder of" list, click to select Personal Folders. Click OK. If prompted to add to the Outlook Bar, click No.

  5. In the folder list, click to open the "MyContacts" folder in your Personal Folders.

  6. On the Contacts menu, click New Contact to open an untitled contact form.

  7. Click the Journal tab to open the Journal page of the form.

The "Automatically record journal entries for this contact" check box appears dimmed. If you repeat steps 6 and 7 in your default Contacts folder the check box is available in a new contact.


For more information on setting contacts to automatically record journal entries, please see the following article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

Q161632 OL97: Contact Not Listed in the Journal Contact List

Additional query words:

Keywords : GnlJrnl
Version : WINDOWS:97
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type : kbprb

Last Reviewed: September 27, 1999
© 2000 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Terms of Use.