OL97: Some Countries Not in Contact Address List

ID: Q176054

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Outlook 97


The country you need for a contact's address does not appear in the list of countries in Microsoft Outlook 97.


The list contains the most frequently used countries.


To add a country manually, follow these steps:

  1. Click the Contacts icon in the Outlook Bar.

  2. On the File menu, point to New, and click Contact.

  3. After typing the contact's Full Name and any other information into the Contact form, click Address.

  4. Type the address details into the appropriate box, and click OK.

    NOTE: If a country name already appears in the Country box, select the text, press DELETE, then type the desired country name into the box.

  5. Click Save And Close.

NOTE: You can also type certain valid abbreviations, and Outlook will change it to the country name. Some examples:

   PRC   changes to   China
   UK    changes to   United Kingdom
   GDR   changes to   Germany
   CDN   changes to   Canada 


For more information about Contacts, type create contacts in the Office Assistant, click Search, and then click to view "Create contacts."

Additional query words:

Keywords : GnlCont
Version : :
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type : kbhowto

Last Reviewed: January 14, 2000
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