OL97: Type Mismatch Calling CreateObject from VBScript

ID: Q180598

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Outlook 97


The CreateObject() function fails with Type Mismatch error in the VBScript of an Microsoft Outlook 97 form.


The Scripting Engine installed on the computer may be earlier than version 2.0.


Update the Scripting Engine. Updates can be found on the Microsoft Web site at:

CreateObject() was not supported before version 2.0 of the Scripting Engine.

The title of the download may change as versions increment, but this site will contain a pointer to the latest available Scripting Engine.


While CreateObject() was first supported by the Scripting Engine 2.0 Outlook version 8.03 is the first version that installed a Scripting Engine capable of performing a CreateObject().

Keywords :
Version : WINDOWS: 97
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type : kbprb

Last Reviewed: September 10, 1999
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