OL97: Letter Wizard Template Does Not Display Body Text/Graphics

ID: Q187647

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Outlook 97


If you use a custom Letter Wizard template to create a letter to a Microsoft Outlook 97 contact, the Wizard will not display any "boilerplate" text or graphics inserted in the template.


The Letter Wizard strips out any text or graphic information placed in the body section of the template.


Add any required text and graphics to the header section of the template.


How to Create a New Custom Letter Wizard Template

  1. Open Microsoft Word 97.

  2. On the File menu, click New.

  3. On the Letters & Faxes tab, click to select one of the default letter templates. Under Create New, click Template, and then click OK.

    Word opens a new document based on the selected template. The document contains all of the components needed by the Letter Wizard.

  4. On the View menu, click "View Header and Footer." This switches you to the Header section of the document.

  5. Enter any text or graphic information that you want to include.

  6. Save the template to the following folder:
    \Program Files\Microsoft Office\Templates\Letters & Faxes
    NOTE: The file name of the new custom letter template must contain the word "Letter" (for example the template name should be something like "Monthly Letter to Mom.dot").

When you start the Letter Wizard, the new template will be available.

NOTE: "New letter to Contact" is designed to work with Microsoft Word 97. It will not work with earlier versions of Microsoft Word, or other word processing programs.


For more information on this subject, please see the following articles in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

Q170342 WD97: How to Add Templates to the Letter Wizard
Q169566 OL97: Custom Template Does not Appear in Word Letter Wizard

Keywords : kbinterop IntpOthr Gnltmpl
Version : WINDOWS:97
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type : kbprb

Last Reviewed: September 10, 1999
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