The information in this article applies to:
IMPORTANT: This article contains information about editing the registry. Before you edit the registry, make sure you understand how to restore it if a problem occurs. For information about how to do this, view the "Restoring the Registry" Help topic in Regedit.exe or the "Restoring a Registry Key" Help topic in Regedt32.exe. SUMMARY
This article describes Outlook security patches that will increase the security protection for certain types of e-mail attachments. Three separate patches are available, one for each version of Outlook. MORE INFORMATIONTo Obtain the Outlook E-mail Attachment Security UpdateCAUTION: It is very important that you install the patch specifically developed for your version of Outlook. To determine your version of Outlook, on the Help menu, click About Microsoft Outlook.Download the patch for your version of Outlook from one of the following web sites: Microsoft Outlook 97The Windows Installer technology used with Microsoft Office2000 and Microsoft Outlook 2000 requires that the CD be inserted in the CD-ROM drive when installing this patch. This is due to validation requirements within the Installer engine. The Outlook 2000 version number found in About Microsoft Outlook on the Help menu, will appear as After installing the E-mail Attachment Security Update, when you open attachments with file name extensions such as .exe, .bat, .com, or .cmd, you will receive the following warning message: Attachment Security WarningTo save the attachment, click Save to Disk. CAUTION: The attachment warning runs for all attachments with executable file name extensions. It does not detect or clean a virus from an infected attachment. If you save a file that has a virus and then run it from the disk, you will still be infected. Saving the file to disk is simply an extra chance to consider the safety of the attached file. An updated virus scanning program must still be used to check the file for a possible virus. Microsoft Office files (.doc, .xls, .ppt) are not affected by this patch and will behave just as they did before the patch was installed. To control macro behavior for Office documents, set the security level in the individual Office program itself. To Turn Off the Outlook E-mail Attachment Security UpdateWARNING: Using Registry Editor incorrectly can cause serious problems that may require you to reinstall your operating system. Microsoft cannot guarantee that problems resulting from the incorrect use of Registry Editor can be solved. Use Registry Editor at your own risk.For information about how to edit the registry, view the "Changing Keys and Values" Help topic in Registry Editor (Regedit.exe) or the "Add and Delete Information in the Registry" and "Edit Registry Data" Help topics in Regedt32.exe. Note that you should back up the registry before you edit it. If you are running Windows NT, you should also update your Emergency Repair Disk (ERD). To turn off the Attachment Security Update after installing it, follow these steps:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Office\OutlookIf the Outlook key is not present, right-click the Office key, and on the shortcut menu point to New, and click Key. Type Outlook for the name and press ENTER. Outlook 98 and 97For additional information about the version number of Outlook 98 after installing the patch, please click the article number below to view the article(s) in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:Q197250 OL98: Microsoft Outlook 98 Version InformationAfter installing the patch on Outlook 97 the version information should be 8.04.6614 or above in the About Microsoft Outlook box under the Help menu. Additional query words: 98 OL2K
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Last Reviewed: September 17, 1999 © 2000 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Terms of Use. |