PPT2000: Drawing Objects in Earlier Version Files Change Size

ID: Q238068

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft PowerPoint 2000


When you use PowerPoint 2000 to open a presentation that was created in an earlier version of PowerPoint (version 7.0 or earlier), objects that have outlines reduced in size. The thicker the outline of the object, the more the object is reduced in size.

Microsoft PowerPoint 2000 (and later versions) handles the outlines on drawn objects differently from earlier versions of PowerPoint. PowerPoint 2000 centers the outline on the object boundary, while PowerPoint 7.0 and 4.0 places the outer edges of the outline on the object boundary.

For example, if you draw a rectangle that is 2 square inches in PowerPoint 4.0 and apply the thickest border style (10 pts), when you open that presentation in PowerPoint 2000 the rectangle will be more like 1.85 square inches.


In versions of PowerPoint earlier than PowerPoint 2000, outlines are applied from the boundary of a shape inwards. If you draw a circle that is 2 inches in diameter, for example, that circle is always 2 inches in diameter no matter how thick the outline is. The thicker the outline, the smaller the colored area in the center of the circle.

In PowerPoint 2000, outlines are applied centered on the object boundary. If you draw a circle that is 2 inches in diamater, and then add a 36 point (1/2 inch) outline, the size of the circle appears to increase to 2.5 inches.

Additional query words: kbusage drawing autoshapes circles rectangles thicker border outline stroke

Keywords : kbui kbusage kbdta kbconvert kbformat
Version : WINDOWS:2000
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type : kbprb kbinfo

Last Reviewed: July 28, 1999
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