PPT2000: Slides with Automatic Animation Timing Print Incorrectly

ID: Q244003

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft PowerPoint 2000


When you attempt to print slides containing animations, some of your slides may not print as you expect. Specifically, if the animation timing is set to automatic, all objects on a particular slide that have animation effects print at the same time. This means that if you have a slide with three paragraphs of text that have build effects, the slide prints differently if the build effects happen automatically versus if you have to advance them manually.

If the slide builds automatically, you get a single printed copy of the slide that contains all the animated text. If the slide builds manually, you get four printed copies of the slide: one copy without any of the built paragraphs, one copy with only the first paragraph, one copy with the first two paragraphs, and one copy with all three paragraphs.


PowerPoint treats multiple automatic animation effects as though they are all parts of one large animation effect. This was designed for use with 35mm slides and slide shows. In this case, the most natural way of representing a 35mm slide projector was to print those events that were set to be manually activated in the animation sequence to the physical 35mm slide changes.


If you want to print these slides with their animation effects, you must temporarily change the animation timings to manual.

Additional query words: 9.00 ppt9 build slides all at once individually separately printout output incorrect

Keywords : kbprint kbdta
Version : WINDOWS:2000
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type : kbprb

Last Reviewed: October 28, 1999
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