PPT97: Can't Cancel Changes to Speaker's Notes From Slide Show

ID: Q157663

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft PowerPoint 97 For Windows


In PowerPoint 97, you can view and edit the Speaker's Notes for your slides. However, if you make any changes at all to those notes, there is no way to cancel the changes while you are in Slide Show.


To view and edit the Speaker's Notes while in Slide Show:

  1. Click the Popup Menu button or click an inactive area of your slide with the right mouse button.

  2. Click View on the popup menu. Click Speaker's Notes.

In the Speaker's Notes box, you can add, delete, or change text. However, if you click the X in the upper left corner of the box, the changes are saved, not canceled.

You may be able to cancel the changes to your Notes pages by using one of the following methods:

Method 1: After you close the Slide Show, close your presentation without
          saving changes. This method assumes that you saved your
          presentation before running your slide show.

Method 2: Immediately after closing the Slide Show, click Undo Last on the
          Edit menu. Depending on what else you did while you were in Slide
          Show, this may cancel changes to the Notes pages. 

Additional query words: 97 8.00 ppt8 undoing notes pages slideshow onscreen modifications

Keywords : kbui
Version : WINDOWS:97
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type : kbhowto

Last Reviewed: November 8, 1999
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