PPT97: Changing Views Toggles Slide Miniature Color View

ID: Q157806

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft PowerPoint 97 For Windows


If you turn on the Slide Miniature and then switch from Slide view to Outline view (or from Outline view to Slide view), the Slide Miniature may switch between Color and Black and White views. This symptom occurs if the Slide view and the Slide Miniature are both in color, or are both in black and white. If Slide view is in black and white and the Slide Miniature is in color, it does not change when you switch to Outline view.

Additional query words: 97 8.00 ppt8 tiny slide b/w colour switch alternate Notes Page

Keywords : kbusage
Version : WINDOWS:97
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type : kbprb

Last Reviewed: November 8, 1999
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