PPT97: How To Insert Slides from Existing Presentations

ID: Q160205

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft PowerPoint 97 For Windows


PowerPoint 97 includes a new feature that makes it easier for you to find and preview slides from existing presentations. This feature is called the Slide Finder. To use it, click Slides from Files on the Insert menu.

You can use the Slide Finder to view slides in your own presentations or in presentations on a network. This makes it easy to find the particular slides you want to add to your presentation.


To Insert Slides From Existing Presentations

  1. Decide where you would like the inserted slide(s) to appear. You may wish to use Slide Sorter view to do this by clicking Slide Sorter on the View menu.

  2. Click the position where you would like to insert your slides.

  3. On the Insert menu, click Slides from Files. The Slide Finder appears.

  4. Either type in the path and name of the presentation that contains the slide(s) you wish to insert, or click Browse to search for the presentation. The Slide Finder also contains a List of Favorites tab. If there are presentations that you use repeatedly, you may wish to add them to the Files list on the List of Favorites tab.

  5. After you locate the presentation you would like to use, click the Display button. This displays a miniature of each slide in the presentation along with the slide's title. You can, instead, view a list that just includes the titles of the slides in the presentation. The buttons to control the view appear below the Display button.

  6. Click one or more slides that you wish to insert. If you view the slide miniatures, you can click on discontinuous slides. If you view the slide titles only, you must hold down the Ctrl key to select a discontinuous selection of slides.

  7. When you have chosen the slide(s) to insert, click the Insert button. This does not close the Slide Finder. If you wish, you can now open a different presentation and insert slides from it.

  8. When you are done inserting slides, click Close.

NOTE: The Slide Finder is a nonmodal dialog box. You can keep it open as you switch from presentation to presentation. You can even View your slide show with the Slide Finder open.

Additional query words: 97 8.00 ppt ppt8 ppt8.00 tips&tricks

Keywords :
Version : WINDOWS:97
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type : kbhowto

Last Reviewed: November 8, 1999
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