PPT97: Cannot Press TAB at Beginning of Paragraph

ID: Q190100

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft PowerPoint 97 For Windows


Pressing the TAB key at the beginning of a paragraph causes unexpected behavior. For example, the cursor does not move to a tab stop or you receive a system beep.


In PowerPoint, pressing TAB has a special outlining function. It moves the paragraph to the next indentation level. Following are examples of what PowerPoint does when you press TAB.

  • When you press the TAB key, the cursor moves to the first line indent for the next indentation level rather than to the next default or custom tab stop.

  • When you press TAB at the beginning of a paragraph you hear a system beep. This occurs when you reach the fifth indent level, which is the maximum indent level supported by PowerPoint.

  • When you press TAB at the beginning of a title, you hear a system beep. This occurs because you cannot outline a title object in PowerPoint.


To insert a tab character at the beginning of a paragraph, press CTRL+TAB or OPTION+TAB.

Additional query words: winppt macppt ppt powerpt 95

Keywords : kbusage
Version : WINDOWS:97
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type : kbinfo

Last Reviewed: November 8, 1999
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