PPT97: Equivalent Values for Genigraphics Colors: RGB

ID: Q190104

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft PowerPoint 97 For Windows


Microsoft PowerPoint for Windows ships with a table of predefined colors called the Genigraphics color palette. These colors are the ones most commonly used in PowerPoint. Like all colors in PowerPoint, they are represented internally by RGB (red, green, blue) values that can range from zero through 65,535.

Most other Windows-based applications represent RGB values as a range from zero through 255 or as a percentage. The following table provides the approximate conversion of the PowerPoint RGB values to the more standard representations. The table includes all the predefined Genigraphics colors as well as the standard VGA pure colors.


   VGA         WIN  WIN  WIN       %      %      %
   Colors      Red  Grn  Blu     Red    Grn    Blu
   ---------   ---  ---  ---    ----   ----   ----

   White       255  255  255    100%   100%   100%
   Black         0    0    0      0%     0%     0%
   Red         255    0    0    100%     0%     0%
   Green         0  255    0      0%   100%     0%
   Blue          0    0  255      0%     0%   100%
   Cyan          0  255  255      0%   100%   100%
   Magenta     255    0  255    100%     0%   100%
   Yellow      255  255    0    100%   100%     0%
   Dk Grey     127  127  127     50%    50%    50%
   Lt Grey     191  191  191     75%    75%    75%
   Dk Red      127    0    0     50%     0%     0%
   Dk Green      0  127    0      0%    50%     0%
   Dk Blue       0    0  127      0%     0%    50%
   Teal          0  127  127      0%    50%    50%
   Purple      127    0  127     50%     0%    50%
   Tan         127  127    0     50%    50%     0%

   Geni.       WIN   WIN   WIN       %     %     %
   Colors      Red   Grn   Blu     Red   Grn   Blu
   ---------   ---   ---   ---    ----  ----  ----
   GY8          65    65    65     26%   26%   26%
   GY7         218   218   218     85%   85%   85%
   GY6         206   206   206     81%   81%   81%
   GY5         145   145   145     57%   57%   57%
   GY4         103   103   103     40%   40%   40%
   GY3          71    71    71     28%   28%   28%
   GY2          51    51    51     20%   20%   20%
   GY1          35    35    35     14%   14%   14%

   RD8         252     1    40     99%    0%   16%
   RD7         255   197   207    100%   77%   81%
   RD6         253   164   181     99%   64%   71%
   RD5         247   102   129     97%   40%   50%
   RD4         229    64    93     90%   25%   36%
   RD3         207    14    48     81%    6%   19%
   RD2         121     0    21     48%    0%    8%
   RD1          63     0    11     25%    0%    4%

   OR8         255    80     8    100%   32%    3%
   OR7         252   209   193     99%   82%   76%
   OR6         255   162   124    100%   64%   49%
   OR5         245   123    73     96%   48%   29%
   OR4         243    91    27     95%   36%   11%
   OR3         188    55     0     74%   22%    0%
   OR2         113    32     0     44%   13%    0%
   OR1          62    20     3     24%    8%    1%

   YO8         254   155     3    100%   61%    1%
   YO7         253   227   186     99%   89%   73%
   YO6         246   191   105     96%   75%   41%
   YO5         239   145     0     94%   57%    0%
   YO4         173   105     0     68%   41%    0%
   YO3         113    68     0     44%   27%    0%
   YO2          76    46     0     30%   18%    0%
   YO1          55    32     0     22%   13%    0%

   YW8         250   253     0     98%   99%    0%
   YW7         252   254   185     99%  100%   72%
   YW6         234   236    94     92%   92%   37%
   YW5         179   185     0     70%   72%    0%
   YW4         118   121     0     46%   48%    0%
   YW3          78    79     0     31%   31%    0%
   YW2          58    60     0     23%   24%    0%
   YW1          40    41     0     16%   16%    0%

   YG8         127   255     0     50%  100%    0%
   YG7         219   255   184     86%  100%   72%
   YG6         163   242    95     64%   95%   37%
   YG5          96   201     0     38%   79%    0%
   YG4          67   142     0     26%   56%    0%
   YG3          49   101     1     19%   40%    0%
   YG2          31    67     0     12%   26%    0%
   YG1          24    52     0     10%   20%    0%

   GN8           0   255     0      0%  100%    0%
   GN7         200   254   200     78%  100%   78%
   GN6         162   255   163     64%  100%   64%
   GN5          81   220     0     32%   86%    0%
   GN4           0   174     0      0%   68%    0%
   GN3           3   124     3      1%   49%    1%
   GN2           0    84     0      0%   33%    0%
   GN1           0    62     0      0%   24%    0%

   BG8           0   223   202      0%   87%   79%
   BG7         192   254   249     75%  100%   98%
   BG6         140   244   234     55%   96%   92%
   BG5           0   183   165      0%   72%   65%
   BG4           0   150   136      0%   59%   53%
   BG3           0   107    97      0%   42%   38%
   BG2           0    78    71      0%   31%   28%
   BG1           0    53    48      0%   21%   19%

   BU8          17    79   251      7%   31%   98%
   BU7         193   206   255     76%   81%  100%
   BU6         162   193   254     64%   76%  100%
   BU5          97   143   253     38%   56%   99%
   BU4          51   101   251     20%   40%   98%
   BU3           6    61   232      2%   24%   91%
   BU2           0    39   159      0%   16%   62%
   BU1           8    29    88      3%   12%   34%

   VT8         137     1   243     54%    0%   95%
   VT7         227   190   255     89%   74%  100%
   VT6         212   159   255     83%   62%  100%
   VT5         183    96   249     72%   38%   98%
   VT4         146    52   219     57%   20%   86%
   VT3         123     0   228     48%    0%   89%
   VT2          80     0   147     32%    0%   58%
   VT1          40     0    73     16%    0%   29%

   RV8         220     0   129     86%    0%   50%
   RV7         253   192   229     99%   75%   90%
   RV6         243   159   209     95%   62%   82%
   RV5         249    90   183     98%   35%   72%
   RV4         217    49   146     85%   19%   57%
   RV3         181     0   105     71%    0%   41%
   RV2         110     0    67     43%    0%   26%
   RV1          60     0    35     24%    0%   14% 

Additional query words: 8.00 winppt macppt

Keywords : kb3rdparty kbprint
Version : WINDOWS:97
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type : kbinfo

Last Reviewed: November 8, 1999
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