VIZACT: DHTML Effects No Longer Work After Applying Effect in Vizact

ID: Q237024

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Vizact 2000


After you apply an effect to an image that has a Dynamic HTML (DHTML) effect applied to it, the DHTML effect no longer works.

In some cases, you may see one of the following error messages in your browser:

An error has occurred.

Line: 523
Error: 'src' is not an object
An error has occurred.

Line: 327
Error: "document.fpAnimswapImgFP1' is not an object

NOTE: The line numbers may be different, depending on your page.


Vizact may overwrite some DHTML effects created in FrontPage.


In some cases, you can't use both the DHTML effect and an effect, such as a transition, created in Vizact. In these cases, use only the DHTML effect or the Vizact effect.

To work around the error that occurs when both effects have been applied, use the following method if you want to use just the Vizact effect:

  1. Delete the item on the page that has the DHTML effect.

  2. Insert the item on the page.

  3. Apply the effect in Vizact.

If you want to use just the DHTML effect, use the same method in the application that added the effect, and then reapply the effect in that application.

Additional query words:

Keywords : kbdta
Version : WINDOWS:
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type : kbprb

Last Reviewed: October 15, 1999
© 2000 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Terms of Use.