WD2000: File Size Twice as Large Compared with Earlier File

ID: Q206121

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Word 2000


When you open a document from an earlier version of Microsoft Word or a different word processing program and save the file as a Microsoft Word 2000 document, the file size may double or significantly increase.

NOTE: This problem also may occur when you insert a file from an earlier version of Word (or a different application), or when you paste the document into a Word 2000 document.


When you first save the document in Microsoft Word 2000, Word assumes that the document will not be compressed, and it allocates sufficient room for the contents of the document.


NOTE: Your results with the following workaround may vary, depending on the contents of your converted document; however, using one of the following methods may allow you to save the document without a significant increase in document file size.

Method 1: Perform a Word Count

  1. On the File menu, click Properties.

  2. Click the Statistics tab.

  3. Click OK and then save the document in Word 2000.

Method 2: Scroll Through the Document

Use the pointer to move the right vertical scroll bar down to the end of the document and then save the document in Word 2000.

Method 3: Save to a Different Folder

Save your document a second time, but to a different folder or location.

Method 4: Add Text to the Document

At the end of the document, type some text. For example, type this is a test and then save the document in Word 2000.

Additional query words: grow grew large different size

Keywords : kbother kbusage kbdta wd2000
Version : WINDOWS:2000
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type : kbprb

Last Reviewed: November 4, 1999
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