WD2000: Double Border Appears As Single Border in Internet Explorer
ID: Q209848
The information in this article applies to:
When you apply a double border to a paragraph in a Word document and then you either
- view the document in Web Page Preview (on the File menu, click Web Page Preview)
- save the document as a Web page and then view it in Internet Explorer (on the File menu, click Save as Web Page)
the double border appears as a single border.
This behavior is caused by border width resolution limitations within all versions of Microsoft Internet Explorer.
In Word, when the width of a border is such that a line or gap would be less than 1 pixel wide, Word enforces a 1-pixel minimum width. This ensures that even a very thin double border is at least 3 pixels wide (line + gap + line). Therefore, the individual lines can be resolved. (One pixel is a measurement representing the smallest amount of information displayed graphically on the screen as a single dot.)
By contrast, Internet Explorer attempts to preserve total border width, rounded to the nearest pixel. This allows double borders to blend into a single border (at a width of less than 1.9 points) and single lines to disappear entirely (at a width of less than 0.38 point).
To summarize, on standard display devices with 96 dots per inch (dpi), double and single border styles are not displayed correctly (they're non-WYSIWEB) when the following are true:
- A double border width is less than 0.63 point (total width is less than 1.9 points).
- A single border width is less than 0.38 point.
To work around this problem, make double borders at least 3/4 point and single borders at least 1/2 point to be viewed correctly in Internet Explorer.
To change the border width:
- Select the paragraph for which you want to change the border width.
- On the Format menu, click Borders and Shading.
- In the Width list box on the Borders tab, select the border width you want to use.
Microsoft has confirmed this to be a problem in the Microsoft products listed
at the beginning of this article.
Additional query words:
Keywords : kbdta wd2000
Version : WINDOWS:2000
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type : kbbug