WD2000: "Header Record Delimiters" Appears Repeatedly in Mail Merge

ID: Q211213

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Word 2000


If a single field data file is in a paragraph delimited form, the Header Record Delimiters dialog box appears at several points during the mail merge process. The default field delimiter is displayed as [none]. To properly close this dialog box, leave the settings as they are displayed and click OK.

NOTE: The information in this article applies only to data files that consist of a single field. If this dialog box appears when using a data file with two or more fields, there is an error in the header record.


This dialog box is prompting you to select the character to separate fields and records in the data file. For example, in many multiple-field data files, a comma is used to separate each field, and a paragraph (hard carriage return) is used to separate each record. In the case of a single field data file, there is no field separator.

This dialog box appears every time the data file is read during the mail merge process. For example, the dialog box may appear in any of the following situations:

  • Immediately after you select the data file name from the Mail Merge Helper Attach Data File dialog box.

  • After you click OK in the Data Form window.

  • After you close a file opened in View Source mode.

Click OK to remove this dialog box from the screen in all of these cases. Clicking Cancel may cause Word to open the source file in View Source mode.

If you open the data file in View Source mode immediately after you cancel the Header Record Delimiters message, click the file and click Yes when prompted to save the changes. Clicking No and canceling the Header Record Delimiters message breaks the link between the data file and the main document.


To convert the data file to a single column table, follow these steps:

  1. Open the data file.

  2. On the Edit menu, click Select All.

  3. On the Table menu, click Convert, and then click Text to Table.

  4. Set Number of columns to 1 and set Separate text at to Paragraph.

  5. Click OK.


Microsoft has confirmed this to be a problem in the Microsoft products listed at the beginning of this article.

Additional query words: mailmerge conversion error message

Keywords : kbdta kbmerge
Version : WINDOWS:2000
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type : kbbug

Last Reviewed: January 11, 2000
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