WD2000: How to Change Delivery or Return Address Formatting

ID: Q211293

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Word 2000


Microsoft Word allows you to make formatting changes to your delivery address and return address through several methods. Some changes you make only affect the current envelope, while other changes may be permanent.

This article describes how to change the delivery address and return address formatting for the current envelope and how to make your changes permanent.


Use any of the following methods to change your delivery address or return address formatting.

Changing the Formatting on the Envelopes Tab

  1. On the Tools Menu, click Envelopes and Labels.

  2. Click the Envelopes tab.

  3. Type the address in either the Delivery address or Return address box.

  4. Then use either of the following methods.

Method 1

  1. Click Options. You do not need to select the address you typed.

  2. On the Envelope Options tab, click the Font button under either Delivery address or Return address.

  3. On the Font tab, make any changes to the font, and then click OK.

  4. NOTE: To make your changes permanent, click the Default button. One of the following messages is displayed:
    Do you want to change the default envelope address font to <font name>, <point size>?

    This change will affect all new documents based on the NORMAL template.


    Do you want to change the default envelope return address font to <font name>, <point size>?

    This change will affect all new documents based on the NORMAL template.
  5. Click Yes to save your changes. New envelopes you create will use the formatting changes you made to either the Delivery address or Return address box.

NOTE: Changes you make in the From left and From top boxes in both the Delivery address and Return address boxes are not permanent changes and will only be applied to the current envelope.

Method 2

  1. On the Envelopes tab, select the address you typed.

  2. Right-click your selected address, and then click Font on the shortcut menu.

  3. On the Font tab, make any changes to the font and then click OK.

NOTE: With Method 2, do not use the Default button to make your changes permanent. If you do, the following message is displayed:
Do you want to change the default font to <font name>, <point size>?

This change will affect all new documents based on the NORMAL template.

If you click Yes, the default font for all new documents in Word is changed.

Changing the Formatting When Setting Up an Envelope Mail Merge

To change the formatting when setting up an envelope mail merge, follow these steps:

Method 1

  1. Set up your main document as an envelope mail merge.

  2. On the Envelope Options tab, click the Font button under either Delivery address or Return address.

  3. On the Font tab, make any changes to the font, and then click OK.

  4. NOTE: You cannot make permanent changes to the font if the Default button is unavailable. If you want to permanently change the font that all of your envelope mail merges use, use the procedure titled "Changing the Envelope Address and Envelope Return Styles" in this article.

  5. On the Envelopes Options tab, click OK to continue your envelope mail merge.

Method 2

  1. Set up your main document as an envelope mail merge.

  2. In the Envelope Address dialog box, use the Insert Merge Field button to place your merge fields in the sample envelope address box.

  3. Select the merge fields for which you want to change the formatting.

  4. Right-click the selected merge fields, and then on the shortcut menu, click either Font or Paragraph, make your formatting changes, and then click OK. Changes you make in either Font or Paragraph will not be permanent and will apply only to the current envelope mail merge main document.

  5. NOTE: Do not use the Default button on the Font tab to make your changes permanent. If you do, the following message will appear:
    Do you want to change the default font to <font name>, <point size>?
    This change will affect all new documents based on the NORMAL template.
    If you click Yes, the default font in Word for all new documents is changed.

  6. In the Envelope Address dialog box, click OK to continue the envelope mail merge.

Changing the Envelope Address and Envelope Return Styles

NOTE: Changes you make to the Envelope Address and Envelope Return styles will be used by default when you create envelopes from either the Envelopes tab or from an envelope mail merge. These style changes may be overwritten (not used) if you make changes to the formatting using any of the other procedures listed in this article.

To change the Envelope Address and Envelope Return styles, follow these steps:
  1. On the Format menu, click Style.

  2. In the List box, click All styles.

  3. In the Styles box, select either Envelope Address or Envelope Return.

  4. Click Modify.

  5. In the Modify Style dialog box, click Format to make changes to any of the attributes that contain an X in the following table (the items that do not contain an X cannot be changed):
    Attribute Envelope Address Style Envelope Return Style
    Font X X
    Tabs X
    Border X
    Language X X
    Numbering X

  6. In the Modify Style dialog box, do one or more of the following:
    • Click OK to keep the changes to your current envelope only.

    • Select the Add to template check box to keep your changes permanent and then click OK. This will keep your changes for the current envelope and all future envelopes.

    • Select the Automatically update check box to allow Word to automatically redefine the style whenever you apply manual formatting to any paragraph with this style. Word updates all paragraphs in the active envelope that are formatted with the style.

      NOTE: Selecting this check box allows Word to update the style in the current envelope only and does not make permanent changes to future envelopes.

  7. Click OK and then click Close to close the Style dialog box.

    NOTE: When you click Close, if the style is applied to the current envelope, Word automatically applies your changes.


For additional information about changing the default font, click the article number below to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

Q212392 WD2000: Word Default Font Changes When Address Font Changes
For additional information about creating an envelope mail merge, click the article number below to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
Q212017 WD2000: How to Create Envelopes Using Mail Merge

Additional query words: underline color effects strikethrough double superscript subscript shadow outline emboss engrave small all caps hidden scale spacing position kerning animation alignment indentation left right before after line

Keywords : kbdta kbenvelope word97 kbmerge
Version : WINDOWS:2000
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type : kbhowto

Last Reviewed: December 21, 1999
© 2000 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Terms of Use.