WD2000: Matching AddressLayout Fields to Outlook Contact Fields

ID: Q211424

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Word 2000
  • Microsoft Outlook 2000


The list in this article identifies which fields in Microsoft Outlook are equivalent to the predefined names in Microsoft Word that you need to use when modifying the layout of an address using the AutoText entry "AddressLayout."


In the following list, use the Address Property Name for the associated Outlook Contact Field when modifying the "AddressLayout" AutoText entry in Word.

 Address Property Name                 Outlook Contact Field
 ---------------------                 ---------------------
 <PR_BUSINESS_FAX_NUMBER>              Business Fax
 <PR_CAR_TELEPHONE_NUMBER>             Car
 <PR_COMPANY_NAME>                     Company
 <PR_COUNTRY>                          Country (in "This is the mailing
                                       address" - details)
 <PR_DEPARTMENT_NAME>                  Department (on the details page)
 <PR_DISPLAY_NAME>                     Full Name (First Middle Last)
 <PR_EMAIL_ADDRESS>                    E-mail
 <PR_GIVEN_NAME>                       Full Name details(First)
 <PR_HOME_FAX_NUMBER>                  Home Fax
 <PR_LOCALITY>                         City (in "This is the mailing
                                       address" - details)
 <PR_OFFICE_LOCATION>                  Office (on Details page)
 <PR_OFFICE2_TELEPHONE_NUMBER>         Business2
 <PR_POSTAL_CODE>                      Zip/Postal Code (in "This is the
                                       mailing address" - details)
 <PR_PRIMARY_FAX_NUMBER>               Other Fax
 <PR_STATE_OR_PROVINCE>                State/Province (in "This is the
                                       mailing address" - details)
 <PR_STREET_ADDRESS>                   Street (in "This is the mailing
                                       address" - details)
 <PR_SURNAME>                          Full name details(last)
 <PR_TITLE>                            Job Title 


For additional information about how to modify the layout of an address, click the article number below to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

Q212345 WD2000: How to Modify the Layout of an Address Book Entry
Not all of the Outlook contact fields are available. For additional information about which fields are not available, click the article number below to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
Q225000 WD2000: Outlook Categories Field Unavailable in Mail Merge

For additional information about inserting addresses from Outlook, click the article number below to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
Q211553 WD2000: Word Cannot Retrieve the Business Address from Outlook

Q220551 WD2000: "Word Was Unable to Open the Data Source" Using Address Book

Additional query words: address layout autotext

Keywords : kbautotext kbfield
Version : WINDOWS:2000
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type : kbinfo

Last Reviewed: November 11, 1999
© 2000 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Terms of Use.