WD2000: Multiple Cover Pages Sent When You Use the Fax Wizard

ID: Q211479

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Word 2000


When you send a document to a fax recipient from Microsoft Word, the recipient may receive multiple fax cover sheets with each faxed document.


Cover sheets are being sent both from Word and from the fax.


To work around this problem, specify to send the fax cover sheet from only one program. Use one of the following methods to turn off the fax cover sheet option.

Method 1: How to Turn off the Fax Cover Sheet Option in Microsoft Word

  1. Start the Fax Wizard. To do so, on the File menu, point to Send To, and then click Fax Recipient.

  2. In the Fax Wizard, click Next.

  3. Click to select the Without a cover sheet check box when you receive the following prompt:

  4. Which document do you want to send?
  5. Click Next to finish the Fax Wizard.

Method 2: How to Turn off the Fax Cover Sheet Option from the Fax Software

See the fax software documentation to find out how to disable the fax cover sheet. If you are using Microsoft Fax, follow these steps:
  1. Click Start menu, point to Settings, and then click Control Panel.

  2. Double-click the Mail and Fax icon.

  3. On the Services tab, click Microsoft Fax, and then click Properties.

  4. In the Default Cover Page section, click to clear the Send Cover Page check box, and then click OK.


When you use the Fax Wizard, if you click With a cover sheet, Word will send one fax cover sheet with the document that you fax. The fax cover sheet is a separate document from the Word document that you are faxing. Therefore, in the fax session from Word, you are sending two separate documents that will be faxed during the fax session. Because the cover sheet and the document are separate documents, the Fax Wizard will transmit them separately. It will dial, connect, and transmit the cover sheet, then disconnect, redial, and connect again, and then transmit the document. The Fax Wizard connects to the receiving fax twice. The only way to prevent this is to not select With a cover sheet in the Fax Wizard.

When you use Microsoft Fax or another application as your fax service transport, you have an option to include one fax cover page for each document that you fax.

Your fax software will send a cover page because you selected the Send Cover Page option. It will also send a cover page for each of the documents that you are sending from Word--the cover sheet specified in the Fax Wizard and a cover page for the Word document. You will actually send three fax cover pages with the Word document.

Additional query words: winfax satisfaxion coversheet

Keywords : kbinterop kbusage kbdta winword wd2000
Version : WINDOWS:2000
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type : kbprb

Last Reviewed: February 2, 2000
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