WD2000: Operating Parameter Limitations and Specifications

ID: Q211489

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Word 2000


This article lists the operating parameter limits of Microsoft Word 2000 and Visual Basic for Applications.


Visual Basic for Applications Limits

   Operating parameter                   Limit

   Macro size                            Limited only by available memory

   Number of macros per template         150

   Number of global macros               150

   Length of variable, subroutine,
   and user-defined function names       80

   Length of string variables            65,280 characters

   Highest number                        1.7976931348623 x 10308

   Number of nesting levels for
   conditionals and loops                16

   Number of nesting levels for
   calls to subroutines or functions
   in another macro                      5

   Number of arguments that can be
   passed to a subroutine or function    20 

Word Limits

   Operating parameter                   Limit

   Number of open windows                Limited only by available memory

   Maximum file size                     32 megabytes (See Note 1)

   Number of words in custom
   dictionaries                          5,000 (See Note 2)

   Maximum custom dictionary
   file size                             65,593 bytes (See Note 2)

   Length of bookmark names              40 characters

   Number of bookmarks
   per document                          16,379

   Length of AutoText entry
   names (including spaces)              32 characters

   Number of AutoText entries            Limited by template file size
   per document template                 and/or available memory

   Number of AutoText entries
   per document template                 32,000

   Number of global AutoText             Limited by template file size
   entries                               and/or available memory

   Length of style names                 255 characters

   Number of styles per document
   or template                           10,000

   Number of fields per document         32,000

   Number of general switches
   in a field                            10

   Number of field-specific
   switches in a field                   10

   Number of nesting levels
   for fields                            20

   Number of subdocuments
   in a master document                  255

   Number of columns in a table          63

   Number of newspaper columns           45 (number of columns is
                                         affected by page size and margin

   Number of tab stops set
   in a paragraph                        64

   Minimum page height                   0.1 inch

   Maximum number of cascading
   style sheets linked together          11

   Maximum page height                   22 inches

   Minimum page width                    0.1 inch

   Maximum page width and
   table width                           22 inches

   Number of custom toolbars             Limited only by available memory

   Number of custom toolbar buttons      Limited only by available memory

   Number of characters per line         768

   Minimum font size                     1 point

   Maximum font size                     1,638 point (22 inches)

   Number of fonts per document          32,767

   Amount of space between
   characters                            1,584 point

   Distance text can be raised
   or lowered                            1,584 point

   Maximum number of colors in
   color palette                         256

   Default cache size                    64 kilobytes (KB)

   Default bitmap cache
   (bitmap memory)                       1 MB 
NOTE 1: Maximum File Size

The maximum file size is limited to 32 MB for the total document text only and does not include graphics regardless of how the graphics image is inserted (Link to file, Save with document, or Wrapping style) into the document. Therefore, if the file contains graphics, the maximum file size can be larger than 32 MB.

NOTE 2: Number of Words and Maximum File Size of Custom Dictionary

The Microsoft Word 2000 Help file lists the number of words and maximum file size of the custom dictionary incorrectly as the following:

   Number of words in custom
   dictionaries                         10,000

   Maximum custom dictionary
   file size                            366,590 bytes 
For additional information about this problem, please click the article numbers below to view the articles in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
Q214179 WD2000: New Word Is Not Added to Custom Dictionary
Q224035 WD2000: Err Msg: "The custom dictionary is full..."

Additional query words: specs environment

Keywords : kbenv kbusage kbdta wd2000
Version : WINDOWS:2000
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type : kbinfo

Last Reviewed: August 24, 1999
© 2000 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Terms of Use.