WD2000: Use of Ask and Fillin Fields and \o Switch

ID: Q211627

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Word 2000


This article discusses the following issues regarding the use of ASK and FILLIN fields in a Microsoft Word mail merge operation:

  • Using the \o switch to cause Word to prompt you only once for input.


  • Clicking Cancel or pressing ESC when prompted for ASK or FILLIN input.


Ask Field

The ASK field prompts you to type text, which it assigns to a bookmark name. During a mail merge, the ASK field prompts you for input before printing each merged document, which allows you to customize each merged document. The ASK field itself has no result; the result is assigned to the bookmark. You must insert a separate REF field to reference the bookmarked information you typed in response to the ASK prompt. For example:

{ASK BookmarkName "Message Text"}{REF BookmarkName} 
In this example, the ASK field prompts you for input, which it assigns to the bookmark named BookmarkName. The REF field inserts the input in your merged document.

Fillin Field

The FILLIN field prompts you for text that is used as the FILLIN field result. During a mail merge, the FILLIN field prompts you for input before printing each merged document, which allows you to customize each merged document.

Using the \o Switch

When you add the \o switch to a FILLIN or ASK field, Word prompts for input only once, before printing the first document during a mail merge, rather than once for each mail merge document. Word uses the same information in each merged document. Examples:

{FILLIN "Batch Number" \o}
{ASK BookmarkName "Message Text" \o}{REF BookmarkName} 

What Happens When You Click Cancel or Press ESC?

If you previously typed something in the ASK or FILLIN field dialog box, that text remains in the dialog box for the next prompt. If you click the Cancel button to skip an ASK field, Word uses the previously typed text as the current value of the ASK field bookmark.

Canceling an ASK or FILLIN field dialog box only cancels the prompt for input; it does not delete the previously typed input. If you do not want any value assigned to a FILLIN field or to an ASK field bookmark, you must press DELETE to delete the previously typed text and then click OK.

Additional query words: pmh missing appear data

Keywords : kbdta kbmerge wd2000
Version : WINDOWS:2000
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type : kbinfo

Last Reviewed: October 20, 1999
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