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When you perform a mail merge in Microsoft Word 2000, a blank space appears and is printed if one field on a line is blank. <<FNAME>> <<MI>> <<LNAME>>In a record where all three fields are filled, the merged record spacing is correct, as in the following example: Steven B. LevyIn a record where the middle initial field <<MI>> is blank, an extra space occurs in the merged record, as in the following example: Fukiko OgisuNOTE: There are two spaces between the <<FNAME>> and <<LNAME>> results. RESOLUTION
You can eliminate this extra space by using a conditional IF field, as in the following examples. Example 1The following conditional MERGEFIELD fields remove the blank space if the middle initial field is blank. For example, given the following fields in a mail merge main document,<<FNAME>> <<MI>> <<LNAME>>the following conditional IF field eliminates a blank space caused by an empty middle initial field: {MERGEFIELD FNAME}{IF {MERGEFIELD MI} <> "" "{MERGEFIELD MI} "}{MERGEFIELD LNAME} Example 2The following conditional MERGEFIELD field removes blank spaces in any field. For example, given the following fields in a mail merge main document,<<Prefix>> <<FirstName>> <<LastName>>the following conditional IF fields properly suppress the space normally included for any blank fields: {IF{MERGEFIELD PREFIX}<>"" "{MERGEFIELD PREFIX} "}{MERGEFIELD FNAME} Additional query words: mail merge merging extra spacing
Keywords : kbusage kbdta kbfield kbmerge wd2000 |
Last Reviewed: December 2, 1999 © 2000 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Terms of Use. |