WD2000: Can't Find or Replace Uppercase Text by Selecting All Caps Formatting

ID: Q212096

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Word 2000


When you try to find or replace text after selecting the All caps formatting option in the Find Font dialog box, the following message may appear:

Word has finished searching the document. The search item was not found.
NOTE: To locate the All caps option in the Find and Replace dialog box, click Format, and then click Font. The All caps option is located under Effects.


This behavior occurs if the text in your document is formatted as uppercase by using one of the following methods:

  • You typed the uppercase text with the CAPS LOCK key on.


  • You used the Change Case command on the Format menu to change the text to uppercase.


  • You used SHIFT+F3 to change the case of your text.

When Word searches for uppercase text that has the All Caps font effect, only text formatted with the All Caps option is found. (To format text with the All caps option, click Font on the Format menu and then click to select the All caps check box.)

The All Caps formatting option affects only lowercase characters. It does not affect uppercase letters, numbers, punctuation, or other non-alphabetic characters. All Caps formatting does not change the ASCII value of the characters. In contrast, when you use the Change Case command, SHIFT+F3, or CAPS LOCK, you are changing the case as well as the ASCII value of the characters. Lowercase characters have different ASCII values than uppercase characters.


To work around this problem, type the uppercase text you are searching for in the Find what box of the Find dialog box or Replace dialog box, and click to select the Match case check box. Do not select All caps.

Additional query words: uppercase upper case capital letters capitals

Keywords : kbdta wd2000
Version : WINDOWS:2000
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type : kbprb

Last Reviewed: August 23, 1999
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