WD2000: Symbol in STYLEREF Field Appears as Opening Parenthesis

ID: Q212113

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Word 2000


When you insert a symbol in a paragraph and refer to that paragraph with a STYLEREF field, the symbol may appear as an opening parenthesis ("(") in the STYLEREF field result.

In addition, when you format text in the heading with a symbol font, such as Wingdings, the characters formatted in this symbol font may appear as boxes when you update the STYLEREF field.


This problem occurs in either of the following cases.

Case 1

This behavior occurs when you insert the symbol and specify any font other than Normal text in the Insert Symbol dialog box. To locate this dialog box, click Symbol on the Insert menu.

Case 2

This behavior occurs when you apply a font, such as Wingdings to the heading text. To apply a font to text, click Font on the Format menu.


To work around this problem, do any of the following that may be appropriate for your situation.

Case 1: If you see an opening parenthesis

There are three ways to make the symbol appear correctly in the STYLEREF field result.

Method 1: Enter the character as normal text

Insert the symbol without specifying a particular font. To do this, follow these steps:
  1. On the Insert menu, click Symbol.

  2. In the Font box, select (normal text).

  3. Select the symbol that you want and click Insert.

Method 2: Enter the character by using a shortcut key

If the symbol is in the Special Characters list, use the shortcut keystroke to insert the symbol.

NOTE: To see the Special Characters list, click Symbol on the Insert menu, and then click to select the Special Characters tab.

Method 3: Enter the character by typing a four-digit ANSI code

With the insertion point in the paragraph that you are referring to, hold down the ALT key and type the four-digit ANSI code by using the numeric keypad.

Case 2: If you see a box character

After you update the field, select the box characters and apply the font that you want to the text, and then lock the fields so that their result doesn't change when you print or update the fields in your document.

To lock a field, select the field and then press CTRL+F11. If you later need to modify the heading text, select the field and press CTRL+SHIFT+F11 to unlock the field. Make your changes to the field, select the field, and press F9 to update the field. After you update the field, you need to reapply the font that you want and lock the field again.

Additional query words:

Keywords : kbfield wd2000
Version : WINDOWS:2000
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type : kbprb

Last Reviewed: September 1, 1999
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