WD2000: Ampersand in File Name Is Not Included in New Menu

ID: Q212202

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Word 2000


When you add a file name that contains an ampersand (&) to a menu in Microsoft Word, the ampersand is not displayed.

For example, a file named "Jack&Jill.doc" appears on the menu as Open JackJill.doc.


You use the ampersand in a menu to designate which character of the menu item name to underline. This underlined character can then be used as a shortcut when you use the keyboard to choose the menu item.


To display a file name that does contain an ampersand, save the file with two ampersands before you add the file name to your menu, for example:

When you add this file name to a menu, the name appears correctly, as:
Open Jack&Jill.doc


To add a file name to a Word menu, follow these steps:

  1. In Word, open the file that you want to appear on your Word menu.

  2. On the Tools menu, click Customize.

  3. On the Toolbars tab, under Toolbars, ensure that the Menu Bar check box is selected

  4. On the Commands tab, under Categories, select All Commands.

  5. Under Commands, click to select FileOpenFile. In the FileOpenFile box, make sure that your document name appears in the box. If you have multiple documents open, each file is listed in the box.

    NOTE: If you do not have the file open that you want to appear on the menu from step 1, FileOpenFile may not appear in the Commands list, or the file will not appear in the document box.

  6. Under Commands, drag the FileOpenFile command to the Word menu where you want it to appear, and then click Close to close the Customize dialog box.

Additional query words: missing ampersand filename file name menu fileopenfile

Keywords : kbdta wd2000
Version : WINDOWS:2000
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type : kbprb

Last Reviewed: January 27, 2000
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